HTML Password Protect provides three types of protection: Page, Session and Cookie. You see, to ensure that something like this would never happen, HTML Password Protect does not store the password in the encrypted page.
You are the only one who knows the password – there is little chance for someone to uncover what that password is. The only way someone can access the encrypted and password protected webpage is if that person knows the password. Once the software is up and running, 5 mouse clicks are all it takes to password protect your web pages. Installing HTML Password Protect will take but a moment. Once encrypted, the webpage will work anywhere, even without a server. Sure, there are other similar programs out there, but what sets HTML Password Protect apart are the strong algorithms it employs to secure webpages – HTML, ASP and PHP. If you are looking for a software application that will encrypt and password protect your webpages, then you will find what you’re looking for in HTML Password Protect.